Upstream. A Mohawk Valley Blogzine.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Did Christopher Porco Plan To Kill His Parents? Part One.

“Christopher Porco went home in the early morning hours of November 15th to silence the voices that wanted to hold him accountable, that were telling him to grow up, that were telling him to take responsibility.” Albany County Assistant District Attorney Michael McDermott. ( Page 39, Transcript of Opening Statements People vs. Christopher Porco).

With all due respect to Mr. McDermott, I don’t believe that Christopher Porco went home to silence his mother and father. That doesn’t mean he didn’t go home on November 15, 2004. It also doesn’t mean he didn’t kill his father and injure his mother. It simply means he did not, prior to leaving Rochester, plan to kill his parents.

The theory that Christopher Porco went home with the intention of killing his parents and with a plan already in place as to how he was going to do it has too many holes in it, holes big enough to drive a yellow Hummer through, not to mention a yellow jeep. Here are some of the holes.

1. If Christopher had planned to kill his parents before leaving Rochester, why did he decide to use an ax when there are easier, less gory, quicker and more sure ways? I mean did he sit in his dorm and think, “Oh yeah, Dad’s got an ax. I can use that?”

2. Why did he take the Thruway home, when he could have driven down to Route 20 and taken that home? The prosecution says that the Thruway was the most convenient route from Rochester to his home, but if you were planning to kill your parents, would you take the most convenient road home, or the one where you would least likely be detected? Route 20 parallels the Thruway. It’s other name is The Great Western Turnpike, and it was the equivalent of the Thruway before the Thruway was built. I often take Route 20 instead of the Thruway. It is a decent road, four lanes in many areas, and would have only added about an hour to his travel time. The advantage to a would be murderer is that there would have been less chance of being detected since there are no toll collectors on Route 20.

3. If he had planned the murder, why didn’t he park his car at least a few blocks from his parents house, instead of in the driveway?

4. If he had planned the murder, why did he leave the house key in the front door?

5. If he had planned the murder, why did he spend three hours inside the house? He would have gone in, killed his parents and left. The length of time that the murderer spent inside the house is something that requires explanation.

6. If he had thought this murder out in advance, why did he leave the murder weapon behind, with the possibility that it might have his DNA or fingerprints on it?

7. If he wanted the crime to look like a burglary, as the prosecution contends, then why didn’t he steal something? The prosecution says that nothing was removed from the house. If he had planned this crime, he would have stolen something to make it look like a burglary.

8. After the murder, the family dog was found in the cellar, a place where it was not ordinarily kept. If Christopher placed the dog in the cellar prior to attacking his parents, as the prosecution intimates, then why didn’t he let the dog back out just before he left the house, knowing that leaving the dog in the cellar might be a clue pointing to him?

One answer to these and other questions is that Christopher planned in advance to kill his parents, but that he planned poorly. While Christopher may have gotten rotten grades in college, he is no dummy, and after getting caught in the past selling stolen property on Ebay, it seems to me that if he planned to kill his parents, his plans would have been more painstaking. The prosecution contends that one of Christopher’s motives was his share of his parents’ million dollar estate that he stood to inherit when they died. That may be true, but Christopher had to have known that if he didn’t pull the murders off just right, he was going to be put away for the rest of his life.

These holes in the prosecution’s case, are not insurmountable. Later today or tomorrow, I will present what I think is a more plausible theory about the attacks on Peter and Joan Porco, assuming that Christopher was the attacker, a theory that would eliminate many of these holes.

There are other holes in the prosecution’s case, however, that can’t be dealt with very easily. I hope to discuss those over the weekend or on Monday.


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