Upstream. A Mohawk Valley Blogzine.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Sunday Gazette Opinion Page

Well I had almost given up on getting anymore articles published in The Sunday Gazette. For a long time I was a regular contributor to the Sunday Opinion page. I wrote one column each month. Out of the thirty or so columns I wrote during that time, only one was rejected. That one was about my dislike of telemarketers. Of course newspapers rely on telemarketers to drum up business, so they aren't likely to publish pieces critical of them.

Now I just contribute when I feel like it. Unfortunately, I had three out of the last four pieces rejected. I had determined I would quit sending pieces in but then thought I would try just one more. Finally, today my piece on preserving the beauty and history of the Mohawk Valley was published. If you don't get The Sunday Gazette, and would like to read it, I will post it to this blog in a few days. Since the copyright reverts back to me after they publish it, I can do that.


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